Tangra Summer Photos
Whew! I was finally able to find some time this week to organize and put up photos from Tangra Summer. This past August, Chitra Agrawal and I decided to host an Indian-Chinese pop-up dinner at the Wyckoff Farmhouse Museum in Brooklyn, a wooden house that dates back to 1652 and is the oldest surviving building in all of New York. We wanted to combine our respective specialties to creative a cross-cultural supper club event that also used locally grown produce. Jason Gaspar, head gardener at the Wyckoff House, grew some of the gorgeous vegetables we had at the dinner, including the enormous bottleneck gourd in the photo above. (For more background on the dinner, see Chitra's article An Indian Vegetable Grows in Brooklyn on Medium.)
While at times exhausting, the experience was still an amazing one all around, from creating the menu to figuring out tiny details for table settings. It was also wonderful to collaborate with a talented group of people for the event, including Chitra; Jason; Ethan Finkelstein from Color + Information, our photographer who took all these great photos here; and Big Alice Brewing, our beef sponsors and creators of delicious and unusual beers using ingredients like lemongrass, curry leaves, and lapsang souchang tea.
We're already cooking up ideas for the next seasonal dinner. (And hopefully you can join us too!)
Curry leaf cold sesame noodles
Sweet potato dumplings
Beers from Big Alice Brewinng
Sweet and Sour Tomato Chaat