Posts tagged Lentils
Red Lentil and Tofu Curry

 Red lentil and tofu curry has been one of my staple quick lunches since I was living in Beijing. Ren lentils aren't a common item in China, but I had found a package of organic lentils one day at a supermarket and decided to revive the oh-so-delicious dish that sustained me during my days as a penniless student.

For the past few years, I've made a big pot at least once a month. The firm pan-fried tofu mixed with the meltingly-tender lentils makes this the ideal dish for chilly weather. 

Red lentils, despite the name, are actually pinkish-orange in color. They differ from green lentils in that they cook much quicker and become so soft they fall apart. The creamier consistency makes them perfect for curries. After some quick Googling I found a vegetarian recipe easy enough to fit into a hectic day.

If you only have 30 to 40 minutes or so to make a curry for lunch, this is a good bet. For a thicker consistency, use about 4 cups water instead of 5. I like to use cumin seeds because I can toast them and make a much more fragrant dish; however, if you don't like whole spices in your food you can always substitute ground cumin. I love eating this over rice, but you can also try dipping it with pita or crusty French or Italian bread.

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