Posts tagged Kimchi
Kimchi Omelet

Breakfast for dinner. Those words are like music to my ears. There are many days in a month when I just feel like having a plate of eggs sunny-side-up or French toast or a bagel with lox for dinner. (Similarly, a slice of pizza or leftover pad thai in the morning sounds delicious.)

Last night I was craving eggs with kimchi again. I hadn't made a meal with that particular combo in a while, but I felt like fortifying myself with an extra dose of kimchi, seeing how it's good for the immune system and all. Every other person I know seems to have gotten struck with the flu lately. And when you're riding the NY city subways and people are around you are coughing, it's good to be prepared.

Here's my arsenal of good foodstuffs to prevent illness. Yes, all the orange juice is for one person. Not pictured is the 12 containers of Greek yogurt that also came with the Fresh Direct order.

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Pork Belly and Kimchi Stir-fry

Along with butter, ketchup, and chili sauce, one of the key items I have in my fridge at all times is a jar of kimchi. This addiction started a few years ago. I had been a casual fan for a while, eating it periodically in Korean restaurants. But after a one-week trip to Seoul in 2008, where kimchi and an assortment of other banchan (side dishes) are given to you with every restaurant entree, I became hooked.

Since then, other than during periods of moving and lengthy traveling, a jar of kimchi has been a kitchen staple. I top off noodle dishes with it. Serve it on the side with Korean braised short ribs and other beef dishes. Top off fried eggs with it. Or just eat it straight from the jar as a (very healthy!) snack. 

Another favorite dish I like to use kimchi in is a stir-fry with pork belly or thickly-cut bacon. (My version is very similar to the Korean buta kimchi but uses regular chili sauce instead of gochujang, or sweetened Korean chili sauce.)  To make it, you simply stir-fry the pork until it's nice and crispy, then cook the onions, garlic, scallions, and kimchi before adding the spicy sesame-scented sauce. It's easy to prepare but will look very impressive when you set it on the dinner table. It also tastes incredible, like the pork, kimchi, and sauce were just meant to go together.

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